AC output single phase solid state relays SSRXXAB



Solid state relays SSR10/20/40 are electronic power a.c. switches. They are designed to commutate huge electric loads (up to 2,2/4,4/8,8 kW), supplied by mains voltage 220V/50HZ.

The switches are single phase and the input and output circuits are galvanically separeted. Thus ensuring electric safety both of maintenance personnel and of control devices.

Output load switching for types SSRXXA/B occurs at zero crossing of mains voltage, i.e. EMI is reduced to minimum. Non-zero cross types SSRXXAN/BN are suited for phase angle control.

SSRXX can be used together with suitable controllers for precision control of electrical loads.

Low (safe) d.c. voltage control of types SSRXXA/AN allows direct connection to controllers or other devices without the need of additional relays and contactors. AC switching types SSRXXB/BN are suitable for direct replacement of 220Vac driven contactors.

If the electric load is greater, solid-state relays can be used to drive power thyristors and triacs. Thus big furnaces or other high-power consumers can be controlled contact-free and without galvanic connection.

Operating indicator (red LED) on the front side shows if input voltage is applied.

The solid state relays are filled in with epoxy resin to protect them from harsh environment.

AC output single phase solid state relays SSRXXAB. Details 

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